
Faschismus kam immer von einer Regierung, die aus der Arbeit an sich eine Tugend machte, während sie die Bedürfnisse des Volks ignorierte. Das höchste Ziel einer faschistischen Regierung war das Helfen der Überreichen mehr Geld zu machen, wahrend sie mehr politische Macht über das Volk gewann. Auf der anderen Seite wurde dein freier Wahl über was du machst als eine Missetat angesehen und Spaß zu haben außerhalb, was die Regierung genau für dich festlegte, war die größte Sünde. Faschismus war immer legal und sie zu bekämpfen war immer illegal. Faschismus war immer von „guten Bürgern“ unterstützt. Diese dachten, dass sie eine gute Zukunft bauen und glaubten blind an der Regierung. Faschismus war immer auf Pseudowissenschaft basiert und bekämpfte immer andere wissenschaftliche Meinungen.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen was wir gerade in Europa und Nordamerika erleben und Faschismus? Oh! Du glaubst, dass das die Regierungsbeamter keine Rassisten sind. Also dann könnten sie vielleicht die #Neofaschisten sein.

An jede(n), die/der das Faschismus in den Regierungen Europas und Nordamerikas oder die Unterstützung deren Mitbürger zu dieses Faschismus sieht. Schüchtert euch nicht sie mit deren echten Namen #Neofaschisten zu nennen. Das könnte der einzige Weg, um deine Mitbürger zu zeigen, was sie geworden sind. Weil die Unterstützer des Faschismus immer ihr „gute Bürger“ seid.


Fascism came always from a government that made a virtue out of work itself while disregarding the needs of the people. Helping the most rich to make more money while gaining more political power over the people was the supreme aim a fascist government. Free choice of what you do was on the other side seen as a misdeed and having fun outside of what the government precisely set for you was the biggest sin. Fascism was always legal and fighting it was always illegal. Fascism was always supported by “good citizens” who thought they are building a good future and believed blindly in their governments. Fascism was always based on pseudoscience and was always fighting other scientific opinions.

What is the difference between what we are living now in Europe and North-America and fascism? Oh! Yes you believe the government officials are not racist. Well then this might be the #neofascism.

For everybody who sees the fascism in the governments Europe and North-America or seeing there fellow citizens supporting that fascism. Do not be ashamed to call them with there real name #neofascists. This might be the only way to make your fellow citizens see what they really became. Because the supporters of Fascism are you always “good citizens”.

Why do we love masks and other restrictions?

If you read European texts form the middle ages you might be surprised about how much the Europeans were praising there women for there purity, while addressing the slutness of the Muslims. You still can recognize the effect of those texts in the way of thinking of some (mostly older) white people, who think that the dark-skinned people are sexually obsessed and have a “devilish” sexual lust, although they never read those texts or may be never heard about them. The funny thing is that the Muslims did not think so much differently about there fellow Europeans.

Despite that the Church forbid bathing, the Christians were fascinated with the idea of purity and purification. Actually forbidding bathing was meant to protect the purity and enhance purification. Voluntary self-restrain was the ultimate virtue for the Christians to reach purity through purification. That means the act of restricting your self purifies you, so you can be something more pure than a common “savage” human being. Out of this tradition came practices like mortification of the flesh and self-whipping (flagellation). Interesting enough is that public flagellation was a common ritual during the black death period. Later on all of this philosophy was very often concentrated only within the theme of sexuality and chastity developed. The reason is that sexuality is a theme that has a global application (it applies to everybody), so it is a very good screening method of how “pure” a person could be and accordingly it can be a good method of showing how “pure” you are to others and consequently a good method of practicing sanctimony. So through showing to others, how you restrain yourself, you are getting the satisfaction of feeling better about yourself and at the same time for a lot of people giving a purpose to there lives – which sometimes felt purposeless – while doing literally nothing.

In the name of protecting of this purity not only was bathing forbidden but also witch-hunts were made, people were tortured to drive the daemons out of them, scientist were burned or flayed alive. Anybody who dared to grow above the limit of restriction was trimmed off while the masses cheered. Sometimes Punishing those who dared to challenge the restriction was only demanded by the masses and was important to keep the masses calm and happy. It seems that sometimes punishing the people who dared to challenge the restrictions was more important for the masses than for the people in power. After all the powerful had to keep the masses happy and proud of there purity. Sometimes it seemed that there was nothing that could make the masses happier than watching those who dared to challenge the restriction dying in agony. And “agony” was mostly more important for the cheering crowds than “dying”. Feeling pure through self-restrain and monitoring the purity of others through universally accepted restrictions looked like something that gave most of the human beings a lot of satisfaction and often a purpose in life itself. You can still sense this in villages or small closed communities.

In general after the enlightenment, existentialism and the sex-revolution a lot of the known restrictions were not any more universally well applicable, especially in bigger western cities. During the last decades, there were many trials made to find restrictions that would give the less- or non-religious people the feeling of being more pure through self-restrain like Vegetarianism, Veganism or Glutenism. But those restrictions have never been able to reach the effect of those issued under the umbrella of the christian belief on the western societies, because the religion-related restrictions were paired with a special kind of fear. A fear which was related to something occult, unseen or not fully describable. This character allowed this fear to be revived every time as new. Because when you think about something that you can not see, your imagination of it will be each time new according to the situation you have. So because of the lack of occultness in the modern restrictions within Vegetarianism, Veganism or Glutenism, those restrictions never gave the same effect that chastity for example gave in the middle ages. Therefore they never became universal enough and consequently never developed to be a good enough screening or sanctimony method, although some of the defenders of those modern restrictions tried to make them as such.

So sadly there are a lot of our fellow human beings especially in the modern western societies, who were yearning since decades for restrictions that could make them feel better about themselves (either make them fell more pure or give them the feeling of having a bigger purpose), which are universally applicable (apply for everybody), awakes a fear of something occult or unseen and can be easily monitored, so they can be used as a screening method of others and as a sanctimony method for the self.

The Corona-era

It is almost funny to see how humans did not change a bit within thousands of years of intellectual and social evolution. They are still ready to give all there rights and do anything dictated to them after they hear a specific password often enough. That password has always been and still is: “you will die”. After enough propaganda using that password the minds of the masses stop any process related to reasonable thinking and start to believe fanatically in the rules that are dictated to them by the initiators of that propaganda. These rules are mostly rules that reduce your freedom and the freedom of everybody around you and also reduce your potential and the potential of others. The believers become fanatic fighters that are dedicated to fight the most aggressive of fights to imply those rules to everybody around them, especially those who are questioning that propaganda. The aggressiveness of that fight against the non-believers usually correlates directly with the degree of there non-believing in that propaganda or the degree of the openness of expressing that non-belief. It is almost funny that we as humans started to think that we reached a phase in our social and intellectual evolution that can protect us from that and could allow us to explore our true potential as individuals or as a united human race without being restrained by each other.

It is sad that despite all our intellectual and social evolution we are still ready to give all the rights that our ancestors fought for after hearing that password “you will die” enough times. Despite all that evolution this password can still make us blind and fanatic. It is sad that despite all those dark eras in our history we can still calm our bad conscience, while we are supporting more power for the powerful. Despite all those dark eras we can still be manipulated to sacrifice for the “greater good”, without logically questioning the intentions behind that “good”. Despite all those dark eras we are still able to help the powerful dictating restriction into our lives and into the lives of our neighbors while feeling the suffering from those restriction. It is sad that we can still see a holiness in that suffering. It is sad that despite all those bad experiences in our human history we can still use actions that are normally seen as wrong or non-ethical to try to solve our problems.

It is sad that despite all THAT we are still able to get ourselves back to phase zero as if we never evolved or learned anything era after era, only because of that same password and that same feeling that comes when we hear that password often enough.

Die Idee

Die Idee in dieser Form gehört mir. Aber die Idee selbst gehört niemandem.

Die Form wird bald veraltet sein, unpassend sein, nicht mehr aktuell sein oder wird keinen mehr berühren. Aber die Idee selbst ist unsterblich und kann jedem in jeder Zeit gehören. Jeder kann ihr eine Form geben, die seiner Meinung nach am besten ihr passt. Die Idee selbst ist über jede Form und jeden Mensch, der sich an sie zeitweilig leiert, weiter hinaus.

In unsrem Stolz denken wir, dass die Idee uns gehört. Aber die Wahrheit ist, dass wir der Idee gehören. Und das Schöne ist, dass die Idee uns so liebt, so dass sie ihren Stolz aufgibt und uns lässt, unseren Stolz zu pflegen, in dem sie uns denken lässt, dass SIE uns gehört.

Lang lebe die Idee! Hoch lebe die Idee! Sogar ohne mich oder meine Form, weil ich sie liebe!

East Side Gallery … „Empört euch!“ Oder „Schämt euch!“

Der Abriss eines Teils der East Side Gallery löste eine Welle der Empörung aus, die sich in der Demonstration am letzten Samstag zeigte. Die Empörung war so hoch, dass ca. 6000 Menschen sich an der East Side Gallery für die Rettung der Mauer nach einer kurzfristigen Meldung sammeln konnten, und den Abriss für eine Weile verhindern konnte. Es wurde danach oft versucht, die Situation zu entstellen. An vielen Stellen wurde kein Verstand für diese Empörung gezeigt.

Manche bezeichneten die Demonstration als Verteidigung eines Berliner Klischees (die Berliner Mauer). Manche fanden es schon ironisch, dass die Berliner, die vor 20 Jahren die Trennungsmauer abreißen wollten, jetzt die Mauer behalten wollen. Manche bezeichnen den Ruf „Mauer wieder zu“ als unverständlich und entstellten den Ruf als einen Ruf der Wiedertrennung.

Die East Side Gallery ist kein Zeichen der Trennung Deutschlands oder Berlins. Sie ist kein Klischee der Berliner Leiden unter einer Mauer, die Berlin einst teilte. Und sie ist kein einfaches Stück Mauer.

Dieses Stück Mauer ist der Überrest einer Berliner Trennungsmauer, und in dieser Hinsicht bezeichnet sie den Sieg der Verbundenheit von Menschen auf zwei Seiten einer Mauer über eine jahrelang bestrebte Trennung. Dieses Stück Mauer sagt, dass die Trennung nicht zum Menschsein gehört. Dieses Stück Mauer enthält die Botschaft, dass egal wie lange eine Trennung zwischen Menschen bestrebt wurde, gehört diese gegen die Menschenwille zur Vereinigung zum Scheitern.

Der Wille uns Menschen zu vereinen und verbinden ist meiner Meinung nach der Stärkste Motor unsrer menschliche Evolution über Jahrtausende. Nachdem wir unsrer körperliche Evolution abgeschlossen haben, führten wir unsrer soziale Evolution weiter, und bauten Kulturen. Wir vereinten uns in Familien, Stämme, Dörfer, Städte und Länder. Wir vereinten über die Geschichte einzelne unabhängige Stücke in einem Gesamtwerk, das mehr als die einfache Summe der Einzelnen bedeutet.

Genau das stellt die East Side Gallery dar, seitdem sie sich von einem Stück hässlicher Mauer der Trennung in ein Kunstwerk verwandelte. Künstler von verschiedenen Ecken der Welt bemalten die Mauer mit einzelnen unabhängigen Kunststücken, die sich auf der Mauer in ein Gesamtkunstwerk vereinen.

Diese Mauer ist ein Monument, das nicht in einer bestimmten Zeit von einem Staat oder Fürsten oder König für die eigne Verehrung gebaut wurde. Sondern ein Monument des Menschlichen, das sich über eine gewisse Zeit der Geschichte Schicht für Schicht entstanden ist. Kein Zeichen der Macht der Mächtigen über einfache Menschen, sondern ein Zeichen der Macht der Verbundenheit der einzelnen einfachen Menschen. Ein Denkmal. Eine Inspiration.

Also, „Empört euch!“ Oder „Schämt euch!“